Monday, July 23, 2018

DAY 10. Navarrete

Day 10 and I'm in Navarrete where Jenn was last night.  She left me a love note in the register log book .  She's doing 20 miles today and I'll be happy when I hear she's arrived.  Being a mother never stops no matter how old they are.  My day started at 6 am and I finished my walk at 10:30.  Glad it was short as it's a hot day.  Also got a tiny blister on my left little toe. 
Enjoyed dinner in the albergue last night with a German man who has bicycled from his home in Germany and will end in Lisbon, Portugal.  And we were joined by a young man from Amsterdam who is only walking portions every year.
Today I walked around a large lake on my route and also saw workers in the vineyards.  It was mostly gradually uphill and an easy walk of 8.5 miles.  Buen Camino

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