Thursday, September 20, 2018

DAY 3 Scotland

Day 3 Scotland... we survived yesterday's storm "Ali" that made news headlines in Europe.  Winds were up to 100 mph and several people were killed.  We knew it was strong wind but never dreamed it was so strong.
Today we woke to sunny skies and milder winds, but COLD.

  Used our marvelous kitchen to whip up a hot breakfast and then we off to the Hop Off and On Bus to tour our  city of Glasgow.

We did two trips around, scoring the front seats up top for the second round.  Chose to get off at Glasgow University and visit the Hunterian Art Museum.  Bummer... the art was missing and we found stuffed animals and other museum pieces.
Disappointed and hungry we walked back towards the apartment and stopped for fish and chips.  Great day.  Tomorrow it's back on the bus with planned hop offs to visit.

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