Sunday, June 9, 2024

2024 Camino Day 1

Day, one of my 2024 Camino, with Jennifer and it's May 22nd 2024. The first snap in my plans was Iberian airlines ended up canceling our flight from LAX on May 22nd. I spent the night in Los Angeles at their expense. The next morning I was told to go to American Airlines and there I found that they had made a flight for me, but I had to go to Dallas Texas in order to catch it   I did GO to Texas and there I caught a flight to Madrid, Spain. I arrived in the middle of the day and I decided to take a bus to pamploma to begin my journey.  I arrived in pamploma. At midnight I had my backpack on the back. My little smaller pack on the front and I walked several hours around the city of pomploms  at 11 PM in order to try and find the train station where I knew I could find a taxi that would take me to St. Jean. Which was the starting place and where Jennifer Ann was already there waiting for me.  several hours later. I finally was convinced to get a taxi cab. And lo and behold, it was a woman and she was really great. She drove me the 2 hour drive to Sant Jean and I arrived at 4 o'clock in the morning. It was raining there lightly, but I waited at least an hour until around 5 when I texted Jenny and she opened the door so I could come in at that time. The owner woke up and I had a wonderful breakfast at the alberge, which is one of my favorites places to stay in Spain.


 Hello friends and family and my faithful followers,

     Yes, that long ago plan to return to Spain in 2020 that COVID cancelled will  finally begin.  I leave LAX tomorrow afternoon and meet my daughter Jennifer in Madrid where we will spend one night before heading for St. Jean and the beginning of our 52 day walk across Spain to Santiago !   It's 500 km!

     Jennifer and her husband Kelly have been in Portugal and Spain since April 28th.  Kelly is flying home on the same day I'm flying to Spain.  He has his own Glass Business and duty calls him home.  

    Keep us in your prayers for the next 52 days and we will keep each of you in our prayers.  I will attempt to write a post each day and also will be posting some photos on Facebook .   As they say on the Camino... 

Buen Camino  

*Spanish for a good day"