Thursday, January 21, 2010


Sunday, September 21, 2003 London and then home

Up about 7:15 am we went down to breakfast on our own about 8 am. The actual breakfast time for our group was scheduled for 8:45 am. We needed to get to the airport between the two scheduled trips so we were on our own. Our sisters and their husbands were each on different flight schedules from us. After breakfast we walked across the street from the hotel and after a short wait caught the Airport Shuttle Bus for only 6 Euros each. Checked in and then waited for our flight scheduled for 12:10 pm. Left right on time and arrived in London on schedule.

Some excitement when before we left as the young man (in his 20’s) sitting directly behind Jim lost his breakfast just before we took off. Have no ideal what his problem was but we were very concerned about germs!

In London we caught the train between terminals instead of the bus. Some trama in making this decision but seemed to be a good decision. We actually had a short wait when we arrived at our destination in the other terminal at Heathrow.

We were in the outside seats with three in our row. The young lady next to the window coughed, sneezed and blew her nose for the whole ten hour flight home. Otherwise it was a great flight. We watched three movies on our individual sets. Bruce Almighty, To Kill A King, and other choices made it so much easier to pass the time.

Arrived home on Sunday evening at LAX about 6 pm and our son Russell was waiting for us; yes, we’d gained back those missing nine hours. I was able to call Russ on my cell phone while we were taxing to the terminal. It was a good thing as after we were inside the building in customs, I could not get service for my cell phone. Russ had come early just incase. It took longer to get our luggage from the airplane than it did to get through customs; basically a walk and showing our passports several times.

Home before 8 pm we were happy to hit the hay in our own beds! And to think, seventeen hours ago we were in Ireland; what a small world we live in!

I hope that you've enjoyed our brief but fun circle around the Emerald Isle; join me in March for a NEW ADVENTURE as we spend three weeks in Spain and Italy this spring....

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