Sunday, April 22nd, 2018 DAY AT SEA
Having set the clock ahead last night we woke shortly after
7 am when the alarm rang. We were over
at the room for Mass at 7:30 am…expecting a crowd. Mary arrived just before 8 am and by 8:15 we
realized that there was a problem.
Sure enough….we didn’t change time last night and we were an hour early
for Mass. Walked up to the Lido for a
cup of coffee and then back to church.
Soon Father Mike arrived and the others came slowly in and soon the room
was over flowing with Catholics including Jim who’d joined us because it was
Sunday morning! There were about ten
standing for the entire mass. Mary did
both of the readings and Father Mike mentioned a box for donations…. But no one
carries cash on the ship so hopefully the box will also be there tomorrow. Because of the heavy waves, Father Mike had
us all remain seated for the entire mass except at communion time. After Mass we walked back to the breakfast
room and enjoyed the rest of our breakfast and the morning newspaper.
At 10:00 am Mary and Jim went to enjoy the talk on Mars; I
made the last half of it after attending another Computer Class on Window’s
Edge. I’m really getting excited about
trying out the Microsoft Edge Browser which I’ve had ever since I loaded
Window’s 10, but I’ve not used it and stayed with Foxfire and google. My good friend Terry in Florida who helped me
load windows 10 into my computer encourage me to try the Edge Browser, but I’ve
stayed with Firefox. Now I know I can
move all of my bookmarks over to Edge, and it’s faster, I’m going to bite the
bullet and give it a try three years later.
All of the computer classes on the ship are about Windows 10 as Microsoft
sponsors the class and provides the ship with a room full of beautiful
computers. But, they are not connected
to the internet. The instructor raves
about the speed and features of Edge. So
I’m going to attend as many of the classes as I can and hopefully when I get to
our B&B in Amsterdam I’ll be able to make it work as I’ll have the internet
So far I’ve not done my walk today…maybe later this
afternoon. Jim and I went in for lunch
at the Lido and found Al and Nancy. We
were correct; they’d gone to the 5 pm mass on Saturday and then had a private
dinner in one of the “restaurants” on the ship; complements of the ship because
of the problems with the window in their room that could not be repaired. They also received a bottle of wine. Sometimes it pays to complain!
Spent some time in the room after doing a mile on deck
three. I didn’t do any elliptical work
today; my total steps was 7,793 representing 3.41 miles. Karen came to visit before dinner so my job
is done on that issue. We arranged to
meet in the Lido for lunch tomorrow, Monday, and maybe teach her some of the
card game “Hand and Foot”. Dinner was
our regular eight, Al and Nancy brought one of the two bottles of champagne
that their tour company had given to them.
Shared with the table and no corkage fee was assessed because of the
source of the bottle.
After dinner, six of us went to the Oceans Bar and enjoyed
some dancing. Myra and Steve joined us
there for the first time.

Monday, April 23rd, 2018 ANOTHER DAY AT SEA!
We changed our clocks last night and after Mass we ate
breakfast in the Lido joining Myra and Steve.
Myra and I stayed and had a great conversation. She has been and still is a Realtor licensed
in the State of Texas since in the 1960’s.
Generally only represents herself now but has made an excellent living
in the market. Likes to deal in stocks
today but still has some rentals. Keeps
her license active. I should live to do
as well when I’m 87 years young.
This morning we heard the news that Princess Kate had a
new baby boy early this morning. He is
fifth in line to the throne. Three days
later they announced his name as Prince William Arthur Philip, known as Prince
Louis of Cambridge.
The water was turned off for repairs from 2 am to 4 am….
We’d missed the paper telling us but we were okay during the night. Father Mike said he had horrible brown water
spewing out of his faucets when he first turned them on. I guess we were lucky; only Jim realized it
was off during the night. The ship is
always working on maintenance as it never takes a day off let alone a week for
I did my two miles on the deck and twenty minutes on the
elliptical machine so ended the day with 12,831 steps or 5.5 miles.
After dinner, Shirley, Mary and I enjoyed the Variety Show. It was split between E. Sarah Carter, a
British violinist who was extremely good and did a variety of entertaining
tunes. Her violin had a microphone for
sound so that you could easily hear her over the instruments. The second half was the Las Vegas Impersonator
from before named Robbie Howard and was excellent. Jim enjoyed going to listen to the classical
violinist in one of the lounges; her show was called the Adagio.
As we were leaving the theater, Shirley fell; no she was not
using her walker, and scraped her arm but otherwise seemed okay except for the
profuse bleeding. We got her back to her
room but in the middle of the night she went to the desk and they got her some
more bandages to help stop the bleeding.
Since they only gave her the requested items and she ministered to
herself it was only about $35.00; much less than the quoted $92. That I’d
received earlier.
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