Friday, August 23, 2024

2024 CAMINO JUNE 2nd & 3rd

June 2nd found us in Viana... we walked all the way there ...yes... all 13 miles.   and then we continued on another 13 miles to Lograno.  We had dinner in Logrono after we  arrived.  But First Jenn met the group of women (girls) that she has been spending evening hours with.  She returned with food to cook in the albergue .  She had zuhine, meat, noodles, cheese, etc.   We cooked it in the microwave and it was delicious.  For dessert we had lime ice creame.    After we cleaned the kitchen; Jenn headed out to meet the girls again after sending me a photo.  

I waited up for Jenn and was very happy to see her when she arrived home.  She sent me photos  during the evening to let me know she was OK!  

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