Tuesday, August 20, 2024

2024 Camino May 27th

2024 Camino May 27th: 

Up early, we walked from Roncevalles to Larrosonq and  found that the trail was much more difficult than in prior years.   Extremely rocky and one needed to be a balarina to keep one's balance as you steped from rock to rock for  twelve miles !   We arrived at Zubiri and were happy to be off the trail.  This town is generally suggested as the stopping point for the day.  But back in 2015 I decided that the village was too run down and I did not stay there but went on to Larrosoana and have always stayed there.   But, we were exhusted and Zubiri has been totally remodeled and delightful; must of our new friends were staying there and wanted us to also stay with them.  But, we already had reservations at Larrosoana.  We stayed for a drink and then when we thought of the three more miles (but on a nice trail) waiting for us; we decided to call our first taxi cab!   Soon we were at St. Nicolas in Larrosoana; showered and rested we enjoyed meeting many new pilgrims from France, England and America at our dinner table this evening.

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