Wednesday, August 21, 2024

2024 Camino May 30th

 Today was a shorter day:  only 15 KM =  9.32  miles and we took a taxi for part of it!   

It's the end of May and June is around the corner!  Tonight we are staying at La Casa Magica in the town of Villuerta.

There was no massage serevice for Jenn; before covid nearly every albergue had a massue in house .   That service stopped when Covid arrived.  It's coming back; but slowly.    

We had a fabulous dinner tonight; the center piece was a huge round pan filled with paella!    Tonight we met Grace from New York City....she has traveled the Camino many times and is an expert at what to do and where to go.  There were also two young college girls by the name of Sarah and Brandy.  Our albergue is on the outskirts of town so we stayed in for the night.   We last saw the college girls at breakfast before leaving but Grace remained a close friend and companion until she headed home from Santo Domingo due to medical issues.    

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your description - christa