Saturday, August 24, 2024

2024 Camino June 4th, 5th

 Continuing my Camino on June 4th when we  stayed in the town of Navarrete.   It was an 8 mile walk to arrive here from Logrono.

We are staying in a very old building tonight; It is called the Posada Ignatus.    Saint Ignatus lived in this building .   He did not own the building but was a guest .   

The Ignatian Way is that which Ignatius of Loyola travelled in his first months of conversion to Christianity in the year of 1522.  Navarrete witnessed the two stages of the life of Saint Ignatius of Loyola before and after conversion.

 Several years ago the  building was restored and became a small hotel known as Posada Ignatius.   Expensive  and small but filled with comforts all wrapped in history.  The original wine celar in the basment has been recreated into a small restaraunt where we had a fabulous lunch before leaving on the next day.  Absolutely great food, service and atmosphee.  

June 5th:     PueteNajer..... stayed overnight here and enjoyed dinner with our friend Grace from NYC...  Then we took a taxi to Najer and then walked  14 miles  to Santa Domingo on a hot day . 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well. I am waiting for the next installments - Thanks Christa