Friday, August 23, 2024

2024 Camino June 3rd

 It was a long night  waiting for Jenn to arrive back to the albergue; but I'm so glad that she had a nice evening out with the girls in Logrono. 

She called me on the cell phone about 6:29 pm and told me she was nearly home... 10 minutes out.   

I am writing these journals from notes in a diary that I kept notes in during my Camino.  This was the next morning and we were still in Logrono .   We woke up next morning and checked out of our Albergue and headed over to the hotel where the girls that Jenn joined last night  were staying.  .    We had breakfast in the Albas Hotel .  The name of the hotel  Albergue de Pereyrinos.   

I called Jim today and discovered that he has a black film over his eye and is going to the doctor's office today.   NOTE:  doc said he is OK.

While we were in Logrono Jenn and her girlfriends visited two churches and she visited a third one by herself before coming home. 

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