Wednesday, August 21, 2024

2024 Camino May 29th

 Today was a long walk of 20  KM again.... another twelve miles

The weather has been mild and the walks are usually with friends that we've met on the journey .  Our albergue tonight is Albergue Puente located at the beginning of the town of Puente La Reina.  We have a friend in Yorba Linda who has family members that live here and own a grocery store.  Her grandparents lived here.  This town has a huge bridge at the end of the single road that goes through the village.  

Tonight w went out with new friends and ended up eating dinner with a new group outside in the town center.  Jim called me during dinner and everyone gave him a shoutout that I was OK .  Jennifer enjoyed the opportunity to get a massage while we were here.  A new friend was Renata who is from England.  She is a medical nurse who is on leave and chose to walk the camino during her time off.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are meeting great people - christa