Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Day 18... and I'm in Castrojeriz.  Left the albergue at 5:30 am
in beautiful moonlight along with about six other pilgrims including 2 south Korean sisters who look to be in their 50s or 60s.  Once when I got a rock inside my shoe they helped me balance so I could get it out.  No rocks or places to sit!  reached the first village in about three hours and stopped for  breakfast.   Finished today's  12.5 miles by 11:30 am.  Good to stop as getting hot. I wore my backpack today...  nearly empty but.allowed me to carry water on my hips which took pressure off of my back.  The things I normally carry in it went in a rucksack and Jacotrans took it with the little bag that automatically goes daily.  Chatted with several new friends that I've met in the evenings along the route today.  Just heard from Jenn and she is safely in Rabanal.  She saw the Gaudi house today in Astorga on her way through the town. She's walking double the miles or more than I am each day.
Buen Camino

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